Submit a Guest Article

Hope Mommies exists to share the hope of Christ with women who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss and their families. We are founded upon the hope that we will see our children again in heaven based upon our faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for our sins; this makes us Hope Moms. 

Our blog is founded upon the truths of the gospel and the authority of the Word of God; we pray our writing supports the local church by providing biblical resources to grieve, seek God, and find restoration after loss.

Would you like to contribute a piece of writing to the Hope Mommies blog? We invite you to submit here!*

// Current series {updated August 2021}

  • Articles exploring specific aspects of the grief process from a biblical perspective
  • A SONG FOR MY SOUL: Music has the ability to speak into the deepest recesses of our hearts. What song has God used in your grief to speak hope and encouragement to your soul? How have the lyrics pointed you to the hope that we have in Christ? How did the truths presented in this song resonate with you in your sorrow?
  • CHURCH AND GRIEF: In this series, we will explore the unique joys and difficulties we encounter as Hope Moms when re-engaging with church after loss, and seek to help the church (leaders, members, and ministries) understand how they can come alongside the grieving mother to provide hope, healing, and community in the midst of such great sorrow. Write from your own experience. In what ways did you receive support, comfort, and encouragement from your church in the midst of your grief? How could the church be better equipped to care for those who are grieving? 
  • DECLARING MOTHERHOOD: Essays about your motherhood journey, exploring the unique pressures and joys that have come through the following: the experience of miscarriage, the experience of stillbirth, the experience of infant loss, losing a first child, parenting older children through grief, going on the new journey of trying to conceive after loss, being pregnant after loss, having a new blessing after loss, experiencing infertility after loss, and more. 
  • FACING THE FIRSTS: This series is designed to help guide the newly grieving mother through some of her firsts as a Hope Mom. Please share your personal experiences to help the Hope Mom understand these firsts from a biblical perspective while also helping her sense that she is not alone in what she is feeling.
  • FOREVER HELD:  We may have only carried our babies on this side of eternity for a short while, but they are forever held in our hearts. How have you held your precious babies throughout the months and years following their home going? Write about the traditions you have started to represent them in your holiday celebrations, family photos, home, etc. How do you celebrate their birthday or heaven day? What has remembering your hope baby looked like for you?
  • HE DRAWS NEAR: Psalm 34:18 reminds us that the Lord is near to the brokenhearted. Describe a time when you tangibly felt the nearness of God in the midst of your grief. In what ways did you experience the Lord drawing near to you through His Spirit, His Word, or His people?
  • SHARE HOPE: What opportunities has God given you to share hope with others as He has worked in your heart in the midst of your grief? How has your loss become a platform for you to share the gospel to those around you?
  • STRENGTH IN THE SORROW: What truths of Scripture have most ministered to you personally as it relates to your journey? How has God grown you to be a better mother/ wife/friend/etc. because of what you have endured and how you have been sustained by Him?
  • THE GIFT OF YOU: As you reflect on the profound impact that your baby has had on your life, you can be filled with gratitude toward them, and toward the Lord. List some of the ways that you can say "thank you" to your precious babe(s) for the gifts that they have been and continue to be to you.
  • WEEPING AND DANCING: To lament is to turn to God in honest, desperate prayer, expressing the reality of our emotions—as intense and tumultuous as they may be. Ultimately, a lament is an expression of faith in the God who hears our cries and responds with mercy and grace. In this series, we seek to write our own laments in the style of the Psalmists, beginning by giving voice to the real and raw emotions that accompany our grief, and then lifting our eyes heavenward in trust and adoration of the One who is greater than all of our sorrow.

For more questions about writing guest posts, please email

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*Not all blog submissions will be published. If your post is chosen to be published with Hope Mommies, you will be contacted within 4-6 weeks.

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